I also really like to swim. When I was about 4 months old, my Mommy & Daddy & Valerie took me to the lake for the first time. It was so much fun to swim. It turns out that, like all Newfies, I have webbed feet, so swimming is really easy for me.
Last August, my family took me to a beach in Ventura. When we got
there, there were a whole bunch of Newfies practicing there swimming. Daddy
told me that I can get a Water
Dog title from the Newfoundland Club of America and that then I can
get a Water Rescue Dog title. So I practiced for the Water test, and on
October 8, I passed the test and got my Water Dog Title! Next year, I'll
try to learn everything I need to get my Water Rescue Dog Title.
It's really fun practicing to be a Water Rescue dog. Daddy throws a boat bumper out in the water and then I get to go out and bring it to him. Then Daddy swims out in the water with me and grabs the hair on my back and I pull him back into shore. Daddy says that eventually I be able to pull a boat into shore with 2 people in it and I'll learn how to swim out to people who are drowning and bring them a life ring. This is a picture of me jumping off a boat to rescue Daddy.
was so exciting when Daddy brought me home. Valerie was asleep, so I played
with Mommy & Daddy for awhile. When Valerie woke up, Daddy took me
outside and put a bow on me. Then we came in the door and surprised Valerie.
She was really happy to have a dog again, because her old dog, Oso, had
to go to heaven a few months earlier. It was a really fun day.
I've got a great family and a happy life. And most important, I take good care of Valerie and the rest of my family every day.
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