Heart Nebula ( IC 1805 ) NGC 869

IC 1805 ( the Heart Nebula ) + NGC 869
North is at the LEFT
4 images Mosaicked each one is ~100 - 5.5 min exposures
total exposure time ~36 hrs
Scope : 155mm F/7.5 AP EDF w/ Canon 6D at ISO 1600
on a Losmandy TITAN w/ GEMINI 2 using Lodestar X2 and PHD2
Dark Frame = Average of 22 images
Bias Frame = Average of 24 images
Images stacked using IMAGES PLUS 6.5
RegiStar used to make Mosaic
Copyright 2016 Brad D Wallis
This Image may be used for personal, non-profit, or educational uses ONLY
Any other uses are expressly prohibited without the written consent of Brad D Wallis


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